Saturday, April 5, 2014

So I guess there are no writers in the family!!!! 

All of this hype about our travel blog for "The Cruisers" and NOTHING - ZIP - RIEN - ZERO - NULL.  Oh well.

There were plenty of things to write about too, including, but not limited to:
-  A couple of melt-downs?
-  Fernando, the waiter, the first night - saved by Luigi?
-  The Chef's Table dinner - would Lincoln have tried the sweet breads?
-  St John tour and experience - "We're going to miss the ferry!"
-  Yes-No Game - really?  8 seconds?

-  Slight altercation (fight?) at the Yes-No Game!
-  Braids and beads, and Lauren's priceless expression
-  Lauren eating sushi and trying raw oysters for the first time - WAY TO GO, Lauren!
-  Let's see - did Lillian try anything new?
-  Lillian shopping for a new sundress - and for Lauren and for Leslie
-  Keep the damn door closed?
Should I continue?

A fun trip and great time spent with the family - Ohana!

Sabai-Sabai!  Until the next trip!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

And We're Off

The Cruisers are on board and ready to go... Let's get this party started!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Parents can be so embarrassing

So, I get it. I made my dad really proud a couple of weeks ago when I competed in my first swim meet.

But, his excitement proved that parents don't just embarrass teenagers. They can embarrass a 26 year old too. Here's what happened.

Immediately after my first race (the 25 fly) my dad posted this on his Facebook page....

"Way to go Leslie Burnette Pagel (yes, he tagged me)! You just whooped up on a 70 year old and won Gold in your first swim meet."

My next event was a freestyle relay and this is what he had to say (on Facebook).

"Leslie Burnette Pagel and her free relay team would have won gold if it weren't for the slow poke at the end."

His posts were a little embarrassing, but mostly funny. But, his final post was 100% embarrassing and 0% funny.

I was sitting on the plane headed home and got an alert from Facebook saying, "Larry Burnette mentioned you in a post."

"Oh geez," I thought. I couldn't pull up Facebook fast enough. This is what he posted on the Indy Aquatic Masters web site....

"I am so proud of Leslie Burnette Pagel. She kicked butt this weekend. She won three gold and two bronze medals. I'm sure she's the best on the team. Good job Leslie."

I seriously considered quitting the team at that moment and then decided I would just tell them that he's crazy ;-)

Stuck in Paradise

Traveling can really sucks. I mean, the airlines really suck.

And, it sucks getting stuck in paradise....for realz.

Last week, I went to Fort Lauderdale to attend my dads wedding party. The party was great (and drama free, unfortunately).

Long story short, after four hours on the phone with USAir, I ended up rescheduling my return flight because Indianapolis was expecting 8-10 inches of snow....hmmm, that doesn't sound very good.

So, I spent an extra day in Fort Lauderdale - ugh! I mean, the weather was perfect, I got to spend more time with my aunt, compete in a swim meet at the Swimming Hall of Fame, and eat good food. It sucked ;-)

Next time, I would much rather take my chances of getting stuck in an airport overnight. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The selfie

Last week, Lincoln and I attended my dad and Tim's wedding ceremony in Washington D.C. Shortly after we arrived, my dad gave me my grandmother's fur coat. It's beautiful and I couldn't wait to try it on.

When Lincoln and I went to our room, I rushed to get the fur out and on. "I love it," I thought. It makes me feel like my grandmothers arms are wrapped around me.

I began modelling the coat. I acted like I was on a cat-walk and then I wanted the full effect with lights flashing. So, I got out my phone and started taking pictures....lots of pictures.

"Look at me." - click
"I'm beautiful." - click
"I'm sexy and I know it." - click

Hair blowing poses. Coat open. Coat closed. Coat draped over my shoulder...

...You get the idea.

As I was strutting my stuff, feeling beautiful and glamorous, with camera in hand, I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me (and I knew it wasn't Lincoln because by this time he wasn't paying attention to me). I turned around and to my astonishment I saw him - a stranger. In our hotel room.

He was watching me in my fur coat, but not in a creepy kinda way.

He said, "I'm here to fix the air conditioner." I said, "It's 5 degrees outside." 

He apologized, turned around, and walked out the door.

Lincoln heard the commotion and asked, "What's was going on?" I said, "I look so hot the hotel sent someone to turn on the air."