Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The selfie

Last week, Lincoln and I attended my dad and Tim's wedding ceremony in Washington D.C. Shortly after we arrived, my dad gave me my grandmother's fur coat. It's beautiful and I couldn't wait to try it on.

When Lincoln and I went to our room, I rushed to get the fur out and on. "I love it," I thought. It makes me feel like my grandmothers arms are wrapped around me.

I began modelling the coat. I acted like I was on a cat-walk and then I wanted the full effect with lights flashing. So, I got out my phone and started taking pictures....lots of pictures.

"Look at me." - click
"I'm beautiful." - click
"I'm sexy and I know it." - click

Hair blowing poses. Coat open. Coat closed. Coat draped over my shoulder...

...You get the idea.

As I was strutting my stuff, feeling beautiful and glamorous, with camera in hand, I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me (and I knew it wasn't Lincoln because by this time he wasn't paying attention to me). I turned around and to my astonishment I saw him - a stranger. In our hotel room.

He was watching me in my fur coat, but not in a creepy kinda way.

He said, "I'm here to fix the air conditioner." I said, "It's 5 degrees outside." 

He apologized, turned around, and walked out the door.

Lincoln heard the commotion and asked, "What's was going on?" I said, "I look so hot the hotel sent someone to turn on the air."


  1. And this relates to "Family Drama on the High Seas" how?

  2. "The fur" is going to be quite controversial on the ship. I know that Leslie is going to bring it on the cruise - even though it is a cruise. Here comes "beautiful Miss Leslie" (her descriptions in the selfies) with her fur. The animal rights activists are going to go crazy and try to throw her overboard!!!! The entire family is going to have to try to SAVE HER. But maybe the fur will get thrown overboard!!!!
    Plus, who wears a FUR in the Caribbean - only "beautiful Miss Leslie". Look at her gloating over herself in the selfie picture! I can only imagine the difficulties we'll have with that damn fur on this upcoming trip!!! Just saying . . .

  3. Chris - Let's just call it drama. Tim - Definitely going to take the fur. It'll be a drama magnet...just sayin' :-)

    1. That posting about "the fur" was from Larry - not Tim. I see to be technologically challenged here lately, and would have sworn that I was in my account, but it made the posting from Tim's. Sorry!
