Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The selfie

Last week, Lincoln and I attended my dad and Tim's wedding ceremony in Washington D.C. Shortly after we arrived, my dad gave me my grandmother's fur coat. It's beautiful and I couldn't wait to try it on.

When Lincoln and I went to our room, I rushed to get the fur out and on. "I love it," I thought. It makes me feel like my grandmothers arms are wrapped around me.

I began modelling the coat. I acted like I was on a cat-walk and then I wanted the full effect with lights flashing. So, I got out my phone and started taking pictures....lots of pictures.

"Look at me." - click
"I'm beautiful." - click
"I'm sexy and I know it." - click

Hair blowing poses. Coat open. Coat closed. Coat draped over my shoulder...

...You get the idea.

As I was strutting my stuff, feeling beautiful and glamorous, with camera in hand, I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me (and I knew it wasn't Lincoln because by this time he wasn't paying attention to me). I turned around and to my astonishment I saw him - a stranger. In our hotel room.

He was watching me in my fur coat, but not in a creepy kinda way.

He said, "I'm here to fix the air conditioner." I said, "It's 5 degrees outside." 

He apologized, turned around, and walked out the door.

Lincoln heard the commotion and asked, "What's was going on?" I said, "I look so hot the hotel sent someone to turn on the air."